
Satire Essay On Abortion

Decent Essays

The ongoing dispute of abortion has condemned the idea of women aborting their unborn child. Whether it be lack of support, critical physical or mental health, rape, or not being ready for such responsibility - all women have a reason for having an abortion. Therefore, women should have the free will to do what proves necessary and beneficial to themselves and their pregnancy. Though the thought of terminating a foetus may be immoral to most, it is also unethical to not give a woman the right to abort if they have been sexually assaulted. Although it is quite rare to be impregnated from rape, it is not fair for those who do and are not able to abort, for they would have to carry out their pregnancy, along with their burden in an unstable condition. …show more content…

Would you really want a child to live that way? Their mother would struggle to raise them in her mental state, leaving the child to live in a state of guilt and disgust in themselves. No child deserves to have that mind set, they are worthy of a healthy functioning family. The strain of an unwanted pregnancy would double the risk of developing mental illnesses, such as depression or anxiety. Negative social, health, and psychological repercussions of unwanted gestation would generate greater chances of illness and possibly death for both the mother and child. Recent studies show that getting an abortion would not increase the risk of mental health disorders, nor would keeping the baby. However, keeping the child would mean having the responsibility to properly take care of another human life. If it is YOUR child, it is YOUR liability. Not being able to provide that sort of stability would be risking a child’s happy and healthy future. In one study, unwanted children were less likely to have a secure family leading to higher chances of participation in criminal acts and lower self-esteem. Do you think it is right to withhold a woman’s wishes to potentially save their child from

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