
Seven Year's War Turning Point Essay

Decent Essays

The seven year’s war was a long and bloody war in Northern America that was fought between 1734 and 1763. It was a war fought between the French and their Indian allies versus British troop and Colonist over resources, trade routes, territory, and the long time rivalry of the French and British. The French and Indian war had a significant impact as a turning point in Colonial and British relations because it lead to the end of an age salutary neglect by the British and changed for the worse how the Colonials and British viewed each other. For years the Colonies had been neglected by the British government, who did little to impose British tariffs and laws on the colonies, and so they became more self-sufficient by creating their own taxes and courts of law. The …show more content…

After the war the Colonist, just like before the war, didn’t see why they really needed any support from the British. The war even started to unify them together at the Albany plan of union. But the British on the other hand, by fighting a war over the Colonies gained a much higher investment in the Colonies since they had fought a bloody war and earned a substantial debt for the colonies Defense. After the war the British could no longer afford to let the Colonies have the level of independence they had after they had invested so much in them and so they started to enforce British rule and increase taxation. The Colonist resented the change from the old ways of neglect and started to see the British as some foreign power imposing its will and taxes on them from 4,000 miles away. The British now had no choice but to be more involved in the Colonies and the Colonies no longer wanted or needed the British to be more involved. Although, much did change because of the war some things still stayed the same. The British still had many loyal subjects in the colonies and many colonist still relied on the

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