
Short Story Of Three Phony Piglets

Decent Essays

If you want to know the truth, three phony piglets lived in three different goddamn houses. The first crummy house was made of straw, that was a helluva stupid decision. As the phony pig was living his phony life, all of a sudden, a crummy fox came out of nowhere. He reminded me of my phony roomate, old Stradlater from Pencey. The crummy fox knocked on the phony door. “You sonuvabitch, I want to come in your goddamn house,” the fox said. “No, no, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin” the pig said. “For chrissake, I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and blow this crummy house down if you don’t let me in.” And then, the fox huffed and puffed and blew the crummy house down. Goddamn, I would’ve just socked that corny wolf. At Least I would’ve claimed …show more content…

Now, I would just chew the fat with that phony wolf, maybe smoke a couple of cigarettes, then I’d give Jane a buzz. But these morons, they went to the third brother. Now, this phony pig wasn’t so stupid. He decided to build his house out of bricks. They built the house, and the wolf came along.
“Oh you sonuvabitchs, you better let me in this crappy house of yours.”
“No, no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.”
“You stupid bastards, I already showed you I can blow your house down. If you don’t let me in, I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your crummy house in.” And then, the fox huffed and puffed and nothing happened. He kept huffing and puffing, and not before long, he became dizzy. He couldn’t blow down the goddamn brick house down. What a stupid wolf, he could’ve just broke the door down. Anyways, the crummy wolf got really mad, but his brain couldn’t think of anything to do. Eventually the wolf tried to jump in through the chimney that was one helluva stupid decision. The 3 little Pigs put a pot in the chimney, and that idiot wolf jumped in. You see, that's the thing about these stories, they’re all written by these phony authors hiding the goddamn truth.The good guys always win. Of course I would never tell Phoebe that, poor sweet

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