
Should Cannabis Be Legalised?

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Should cannabis be legalised in Australia? Your response should provide a considered discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of both legalisation and criminalisation which shows evidence of wide and varied reading.

Cannabis originated from Central Asia generations ago, with references to Cannabis dating back to medical and religious Chinese and Indian texts. Cannabis was also used in the West as hemp fibre, for industrial purposes, before it was used for medical use by W.B. O’Shaughnessy. Through this essay, I will be evaluating cannabis as a recreational drug, which has occurred since the 1840’s seen in hashish clubs and bars, and will be analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the legalisation and criminalisation of …show more content…

This increased government revenue could be seen as a major advantage in legalising marijuana where revenue could be used for increase expenditure in defence, education and health.
Another advantage attained from removing prohibition may not only be increased revenue through reduced government expenditure on prohibiting marijuana as mentioned above, but may also be seen through the social benefits seen from the prohibition moving away from the focus on softer, less harmful such as marijuana, and would focus on drugs with more harmful effects such as heroin and methamphetamines. Through decriminalising marijuana, police forces could focus more on more addictive, harmful drugs which have a higher risk over overdose and more serious effects.

Another advantage of legalising marijuana may be the medical benefits of cannabis which can be used to create a safe therapeutic effect, when used medicinally in its purest form. Studies also show the marijuana when used under a supervised routine of medical care can be used to reduce stress, as well as relieving and reducing nausea from cancer patients who participate in chemotherapy. Other medical source’s state Marijuana, once again when used under supervision for medical reasons can be effective in treating glaucoma, through relieving pressure on one’s eye socket, as well providing relief to those suffering from AID’s and Multiple sclerosis. Whilst to put in perspective the damaging effects of marijuana in

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