
Should Felons Have The Right To Vote Essay

Decent Essays

Should Felons Have the Right to Vote?
Millions of Americans lose the right to vote due to past felony convictions. While majority of Americans have completed their sentence, they are still not afforded the opportunity to vote. In some states voting rights of felons are terminated all together while other states allow felons who have completed their sentence to regain their voting rights. Felon disenfranchisement is not being allowed to vote after committing a felony. Felon Disenfranchisement takes a toll on our society by placing limits on the amount of possible state votes, and discontinues voting rights in some states. A vast number of citizens believe that felons should not have the right to vote. Felony disenfranchisement places limitations on representation for election votes which affects the final decision on votes. “In fact, 75 percent of disenfranchised voters live in their communities, either under probation or parole supervision or having completed their …show more content…

Constitution does not allow excessive sanctions. It also calls for punishment that is suitable for the offense. If all felons are excluded from voting would go against this amendment. To employ this practice would cause a violation of our Eight Amendment right. All citizens should be allowed to vote to refrain from violating this right.
Furthermore, ex-felons should be allowed to vote because it would help them while being re-introduced into society. The criminals would learn the value of the law to strengthen their participating in common practices. Even prisoners would come to respect the law and contribute to the “common good” with voting rights. It would be helpful for these individuals because they would be able to become important to society rather than a menace. Criminals would benefit our society more if they are treated equally for their contribution of voting rather than as an

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