
Significance And Significance Of The Ottoman Empire

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Identification and Significance Constantinople great Christian city that had been seized and controlled by the Muslim Ottoman sultan Mehmed II in 1453. This event marked the final end of the Roman/Byzantine Empire and the ascendency of the Ottoman Empire. The byzantine was a stronghold for Christianity and had ruled for eleven hundred years.
The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic religion and those who practiced were called Muslims. The Ottoman Empire survived for more than five centuries. The empire represented a new phase in the long encounter between Christendom and the world of Islam. They established a system by which other religious factions my practice within the empire in exchange for a head tax. Sought to bring unity to the Islamic World and to serve as the strong sword of Islam by protecting the “strong sword of Islam. It ended the Christian Byzantine Empire by conquering Constantine in 1453. (Ways of the World 434)
Galileo was an Italian mathematician and astronomer who developed an improved telescope. He made observations the undermined established understandings of the cosmos. His discovery of Jupiter and many new stars, suggested a cosmos far larger than the finite universe of traditional astronomy. He published his remarkable findings in a book titled The Starry Messenger. (Ways of the World, 557-559)
Newton was the Englishmen who formulated the modern laws of motion and mechanics. It remained unchallenged until the twentieth century. The core of his thinking was the concept of the universe. He declared that all bodies whatsoever are endowed with the principle of mutual gravitation. He was the grand unifying idea of early modern science. (Ways of the World, 557)
The Protestant Reformation started in 1517 with Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses. However, it was not Luther’s intention to start a new religion. He just wanted to challenge the doctrinal issues with the Catholic Church. There were many reasons the church started to lose power. The rise of nation states, the secular outlook of the people, and the weakness and corruption within the church to name a few. The monarchy also played a huge role in the church’s loss of power. The Catholic Church then proceeded to

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