
Similarities Between Chinese And Ancient China

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live in the ancient times, working hard to take care of your family with only one room in your house? Or would you like a nicer house where you have to worship gods, but have more than one room in the house? I would like the second choice, although that's not the big question. What my main point is that in this essay you will learn more about the two civilizations I have been researching. I hope that you enjoy this essay, and that you learn a lot from it.

There were not very many similarities that I could see from my research. One similarity that ancient Egypt and ancient China had in common was that they both worshipped gods. They both had different gods but only China had rooms where offerings were placed. Another similarity was that they both had very little furniture inside of the houses and that they only had the furniture that was needed.

Well one obvious difference between ancient Chinese and ancient Egyptian architecture, is that the Egyptians did not have a proper bathroom in their house. Sometimes they would have a chamber pot that they would have to empty out afterwards, otherwise they would have to go outside. The Chinese had bathrooms. Also the ancient Chinese worshipped gods, and put out offerings that were for the gods. They also had special holidays to worship the gods. Unlike the Egyptians they worshipped gods, but did not give any offerings from the house, or have any areas for them inside of

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