
Skeptics Can T Cool Blistering Bitcoin Summary

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“Skeptics can’t cool blistering Bitcoin” (DATE), written by Nathaniel Popper of the New York Times develops an article giving many detail on the state of which bitcoin is at and how skeptics can’t burn out the prices bitcoins are reaching. Cryptocurrencies are encrypted currencies that are universal, meaning that no matter where in the world you are, you can use bitcoin if the store allows it. Cryptocurrencies prices do change depending on which countries you are but not by much. All Cryptocurrencies also act as a stock where the price of a currency fluctuates. Normally all currencies start low and raise in price over time. At one point, Bitcoin used to cost $0.08. If you were to buy $100 worth of bitcoin at this time, you would have made $17,123,687. Everything does come with its risks though. People that invest in bitcoin now could lose millions of dollars if it were to crash. …show more content…

He gives statics and also gives examples of when the skeptics were wrong. Nathaniel Popper states the goods and bads of Cryptocurrency. He explains that they can be used to buy illegal drugs off of the Black Market which is good in an Ethos standpoint but he quickly brushes over this statement. There could possibly be more to this than just drugs. He also gives more examples of why these currencies are good and not bad. In reality, there are much more things about cryptocurrencies that could be harmful which is bad for an Ethos standpoint. Many hackers use bitcoin as a ransom for exchange for stoles files from ones computer. Another problem with bitcoin is the unstable market. If the market where to crash, many people could lose a lot of money and companies could go bankrupt. This could cause a chain reaction that was similar to the Black Tuesday event that took place in

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