
Social Discrimination In A Worn Path By Eudora Welty

Decent Essays

In a world that is so diverse, social discrimination is an issue that many have to face everyday. Discrimination can be used by an individual's: race, age, religion, and even one's class. A Worn Path, written by Eudora Welty is about a woman by the name of Phoenix who goes on a long journey to get medication for her grandson. On her journey she comes in contact with a hunter, and many other complications. In the short story, an overall theme of social discrimination is shown through the use of Racism, Ageism and Classism. During the 1930’s, Racism was at a major play; mostly in Southern states. In the short story, Welty gives many examples of metaphors and symbols showing that racism was a major impact during this time. For example, “Big …show more content…

This is known as ageism. Welty shows an example of ageism in this quote, “‘Doesn’t the gun scare you?’ he said still pointing it. ‘No, Sir, I seen plenty go off closer by, in my day, and for less than what I done.’ She said, holding utterly still. He smiled, and shoulder the gun. ‘Well, Granny,’ he said ‘you must be a hundred years old, and scared of nothing. I’d give you a dime if I had any money with me. But you take my advice and stay home, and nothing will happen to you.’” (1330) The hunter is stating that she is too old to be taking such a long journey, especially by herself; even if she is not afraid of anything. This is a good example of a person using someone’s age against them. Welty is giving the reader the impression of, who is this hunting man, to tell her she should just go home, instead of continuing her journey to find medicine for her grandson. As well as the impression of, no matter what age someone, anyone can finish something he or she put’s his or her mind to. The third factor in reaching the theme of social discrimination is the use of classism. As defined from the Merriam Webster Dictionary, Classism means: Prejudice or discrimination based on class. Throughout the short story you get a feel for the class, that Old Phoenix is a part of. Throughout her long journey, she makes references to slavery through the use of metaphors,

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