
Social Identity Theory And Fees Must Fall Protests Essay

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Social Identity Theory and Fees Must Fall Protests
Phoenix Falconer-Pincus

Protests play a highly significant role in generating awareness of a certain topic, grievance or issue that may affect certain demographics or groups of people. The below essay aims to explore the connection between social and collective identity, and its influence and importance in protests. This will be done by discussing the “FeesMustFall” movement that was aimed at getting free tertiary education in South Africa. The protests were mainly student orientated and were highly documented.

An individual’s identity is shaped and created by many factors such as family, culture, and friendship groups (Trepte, S. 2206). The individual’s personal identity of “self” may alter when interacting with any of these groups due to the influence and the characteristics these groups possess (Burke, PJ. Sets, JE. 2000). The human desire to feel a sense of belonging is the driving force for individuals to create themselves around particular groups (Trepte, S. 2206). When people find out that their experiences, thoughts and feelings are mirrored by other people, an immediately connection is formed due to the understanding that they are not isolated in their experiences (Rogers, W.S. 2011). The common ground individuals find in others, allows for the formation of groups (Trepte, S. 2206). The “commonality” amongst certain groups of people allow for Social Categorization (Burke, PJ. Sets, JE. 2000). Social

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