
Social Media Affecting America's Youth

Decent Essays

While some young people utilize technology to create great content such as music, literature, or coding, it has created a budding effect of a generation that is obsessed with consumption. The truth is the majority of youth’s time has been excessively dedicated to passive activities like watching tv or online videos, gaming and scrolling through social media. According to Common Sense Media, when it’s summed up America’s youth is using an average of 6 hours of media daily, not counting for school or homework. That is a massive chunk stolen from a child’s day and the effects can be extremely damaging. It is leading the young generation of today to become overstimulated, over-scheduled and under pressure to perform both academically and beyond …show more content…

These types of sensory inputs aid in healthy child development of many things, such as: communication, coordination, optimal arousal states and self-regulation; all necessary for achieving skills children will need to succeed upon entering school. The most lacking of these areas today is movement. Ideally, kids should be playing outside around 3 hours each day, and that doesn't include organized sports, in order to achieve optimal sensory stimulation for their sensory and tactile systems. In a study done by Dr. Lakhwinder Pal Singh at the National Institute of Technology, he found that play is also “linked with mental wellbeing of children as play enables children to develop intrinsic interests and competencies, learn to make decisions, [...] and follow rules. Secondly play also facilitates emotional regulation and social wellbeing.” So as kids are slowly progressing from the park to the couch, they are becoming deprived of the “rough and tumble” play they need. Tactile stimulation is not limited to play, but also includes touching, hugging and play. All critical for the development of movement patterns. Touch lowers adrenaline and anxiety, problems that are becoming increasingly common in children. Additionally, being outside in general has a calming and vital influence on children, lengthens attention span and promotes learning. Children who are sedentary and relying media are void of these benefits. With an upcoming generation lacking in these necessary components of child development, time will only tell what detrimental effects youth will

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