
Social Problem Of Physical Disability

Good Essays

Physical Disability—the Social Problem
Name: Cheung Ming Kwong
UID: 2013550731
In this essay, I will talk about physical disability. It is not rare to see people with physical disability get on the car by the help of other people. I used to think these people are pathetic and are the burden of the society since they are being disabled in their daily life by their physiological impairment. So they are usually lack of education, lack of employment and lack of freedom in the society. However, social conflict theory gave me another perspective to view the issue of physical disability in a deep level. It inspired me that impairment is an individual problem but disability is socially constructed. Students, as the pillar of the future society, have …show more content…

Impairment describes the features that individual lives are incapacitated form completed functioning (Simonsick, 1998). For instance, blind, deaf or spavined. Usually, they are directly related to biology and genetics. It is a biomedical term. Disability regards impairments as differences in forms of social reactions (Simonsick, 1998). It represents social discrimination that rule out people from normal life. For example, people with lower extremity impairment that could not get on a car or have a running race are classified as disabled. It is a social term. People with physical impairment are socially …show more content…

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