
Stress Fracture Research Paper

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Stress Fractures Treatment of a stress fracture is based primarily on moderation and rehabilitation. Once diagnosed, the injured area should be relieved of as much stress as possible through varied means such as a walking boot or crutches. If the affected region is not permitted to rest the injury may intensify with activity and daily activities, causing extensive and complicated issues. If swelling is present, ice can help in the reduction of the discomfort which often presents itself as intense pressure in a concentrated region (Oakes). Anti-inflammatory medications can also be taken to reduce the swelling and allow the blood to flow more easily. Rehabilitation should begin after the initial injury phase and should include target work outs …show more content…

Prevention of stress fractures in young athletes often relies on the intensity of their involvement in sports and what is deemed acceptable. Athletes who participate in multiple sports are at a greater risk of developing overuse injuries if they do not receive sufficient rest (Brenner). This is because the bones and growth plates of children are not capable of withstanding the same stress as that of an adult and playing multiple sports at one time increases the stress placed on the young body significantly. For adolescent athletes, it is recommended by numerous pediatricians that two to three months out of the year be dedicated to healing, conditioning, and strengthening rather than playing any sports. It is also advised that children be limited to one sport at a time that practices no more than five days a week, with at least one day off each week (Brenner). Sports in Orange County Current Threat of Losing Sports and its Impact on the Community Many people see the small town of Orange as just that: a small …show more content…

If there was no after school sports on Orange County, the rate of deviant behavior amongst all age groups would increase significantly because children would now have “too much time on their hands”, thus leading them to trouble and mischievousness. Sports not only influence the athletes but the coaches as well, who in the absence of a sports program through the schools, would be out of a job. This could be detrimental to the lifestyle many of the coaches live, for many of them channel their love of sports and teaching into a coaching job to supplement their income (which is usually much needed in today’s questionable economy). Conclusion Although the physiological reasons behind adolescents participating in youth sports are sometimes questionable in today’s day in age, they have become traditional part of many Americans children's lives. When the safety precautions and proper rules aimed towards protecting the long term health youth sports participants are followed, the experience can be highly enjoyable and very beneficial to the athlete. Both athletes and all others who take part in the experience

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