
Student Success Research Paper

Decent Essays

MY STRATEGY FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS This paper will explain the reasons that I want to obtain a college degree at Columbia Southern University and how I will make that happen. It will be a difficult task to accomplish but I believe that it can be done.By putting in the work and staying motivated to accomplish this goal I will be successful. Career Goals I have told everyone growing up that I knew wanted to be a soldier in the Army one day. They all said that I wanted to be just like my dad but I have always felt it was something I just wanted to do for myself. Going on tours of training sites as a kid only fueled my passion for becoming a soldier, and serving in the Army. When I was17 years old I went to basic training on a split option program …show more content…

I do this by isolating myself in a certain room in my house that I feel the most comfortable in. I close the doors to the room and set the thermostat to the house at a temperature that I feel is best for me. I make sure that if the television is on when I walk in that it is immediately turned off. My cell phone is by my side with all of the notifications turned off except a few important phone numbers that need to come through in case of an emergency. If my wife is in the room I keep any conversation as short as possible and remind her that I have things to do. A few minutes into my work I will eat a small microwave meal so that hunger is not a factor to me wasting time. In order for me to get all of that momentum toward completing my work going, I must walk into my home and go straight into my study zone. I have to have all of those things going for me to have a successful study time. If anything is missed like turning off the television or not going straight into that room then the chances of me doing any work go down drastically. Procrastination is like an addiction for …show more content…

While reading through books I sometimes find myself just saying the words in my head and they begin to have no meaning. By trying to create a picture in my head and linking together what I am reading to something that I heard in the past I find myself able to comprehend the passages in the book. I will then have an understanding of what is being said and will be able to recall what I read at a later time. Any time that I find this happening to me I will stop get up to take a break before I sit back down to read what I missed all over

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