
Summary Of Between Days By Yusef Komunyakaa

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Dien Cai Dau by Yusef Komunyakaa, is a book of poems in which Komunyakaa talks about the hardships of the Vietnam War and his service to the American Army. These poems not only talks about what the soldier have went through but the families of the soldiers as well. This book allows the reader to feel for the soldiers because it vividly describes the harsh reality of being a soldier and how the war can change a person physically and emotionally. Komunyakaa poem Between Days, page 62, talks about the harsh reality of a soldier dying and how this mother can not come to terms that he has died. The mother says “That closed casket was weighed down with stones”, and the mother think when they supposedly buried their son, there actually was just stones …show more content…

In the end, the son died but the tin soldiers never did. The mother refuses to cash the death check from the US governments, “The uncashed death check from uncle sam marks a passage in the bible on the dresser,”. The reason she does not want to cash the check is because if she does, she will actually come to terms with the death of her son and she doesn’t want to believe it. She says “ Mistakes, Mistakes...They killed his daddy. & Janet, she & her three children by three different men,.” The war has killed her husband and the war, her son’s lover has already moved on from him and didn’t even bother to wait a while to see if he was actually alive. His lover came to terms with his death and decided to move on from him. The mother hopes that her son is strong enough to his lover to get lost when he comes home. We know as a reader that when soldiers come back from war, they sometimes are the same when they left. Before her son died, he was given a silver star medal, which is the highest medal a soldier can get, meaning he did everything he could protect his fellow soldiers and his country but his mother could not protect him from dying. At the end of the

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