
Summary Of Reaping By Arna Bontemps

Decent Essays

In “A Black Man Talks of Reaping” by Arna Bontemps is about a poor black slave farmer that is constantly planting seeds and is in fear because of the white people. Since this was the time of slavery this took place around the 1800s. This poem talks about how this man planted so much that he could plant seeds from Canada and Mexico and that he can only bring or show what he had in his hands. This poem could also be an allusion to the bible (327), “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”(Galatians 6:7). This poem has figurative language and literal sound devices in each stanza. For example end rhymes, imagery, and metaphors. In all three stanzas Bontemps uses End rhymes. For example, in the first stanza: I have sown beside all waters in my day. I planted deep, within my heart the fear That wind or fowl would take the grain away. I planted safe against this stark lean year. He uses end rhymes to make it have more of a rhythm. To make it sound like a lyrical song and give pleasure. In the first stanza the main in the poem is talking about how he has been planted seeds throughout his entire life and …show more content…

The poem explains how he was hiding his fear into his heart. He said, “I’ll plant deep, within my heart the fear”(Bontemps). He uses this so that the reader can have a better understanding or emotion and tone of what the man has been going through and that he had to hide away all his fear from the men. The poem mentions how the the wind or fowl takes the grains away, this is also imagery, giving us a picture of how the wind is evil, or some type of creature that takes the grain away. He also mentioned how he scattered seeds so much that he could make it to Canada and Mexico and that even with all the hard work, all he could show was, what was in his hands. This would also be called a hyperbole, because for how he explained that he made rows from Canada to mexico.. He uses this to exaggerate how much this man has been

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