
Summary Of The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down By Anne Fadiman

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In Anne Fadiman’s book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, the life of Lia Lee is portrayed to the readers in a way that is very eye opening and takes you on a journey with the family about what they experienced. Lia, daughter of Nao Kao and Foua, was diagnosed at the age of three months with a neurological disorder called Epilepsy, which is characterized by having many seizures and other health problems. In this book, the author Anne Fadiman follows this family and learns their struggles and frustrations with cross-cultural communication and the United States interpreters and medical system. While reading this book, I noticed two very important theoretical perspectives: the Psychodynamic Theory, which is apart of the Family Systems Model, which is on the micro level, and the humanistic theory, which is apart of the Family Resilience Theory and on the macro level. These two theories tie into The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down and Lia Lee and her family’s life. The Psychodynamic Theory has three key concepts that include differentiation of self, triangulation, and family …show more content…

It is based more on a community level and the support system works together to create a resilient family in such a hard situation of cross-cultural miscommunication. What the American doctors didn’t understand at the time was that “What the Hmong wanted here was to be left alone to be Hmong.” (Fadiman, 183) They weren’t concerned about trying to become like other Americans, but rather keeping there heritage and family origin close to them and not compromise their beliefs and traditions of the Hmong culture. This theory recognizes the way a family meets challenges, which I believe is done for the Lee family in Fadiman’s

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