
Summary Of The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down By Anne Fadiman

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In the story “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”, by Anne Fadiman is about a family who youngest child Lia Lee is diagnosed with epilepsy. Not only is the story about Lia Lee, but it also talks about the Hmong cultural group different beliefs compared to the American cultural beliefs. Throughout the story you see the differences throughout three different stages. Each stage shows at least one difference from the Hmong cultural belief, American cultural belief, and the techniques and practices that were used when Lia was born. The main theme in this story is the difference in how each stage handles giving birth to a child. In addition, to the differences there also happened to be a couple of similarities as well …show more content…

There were many similarities and differences throughout the “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” when expressing different types of practices and techniques used compared to a typical American birth. One of them was the drinking the water in which a key had been boiled in order to unlock the birthing canal. Expressing how the use of the warm water made it easier for the women giving birth. Another technique that was used was the chanting of prayers around the time of birth. Showing how spiritual the Hmong people were with the process of giving birth to a child. The father would have also dug a hole at least two feet deep to buried the placenta …show more content…

I choose the typical American birth for many different reasons. One of the reasons I choose the typical American birth is because of safety reasons. If anything were to happen to the baby, or my wife and would want to think she’s in the best hands as possible by being at the hospital with doctors who do that take of job. Another reason why I would choose the American way of birth is because that is the most common one to me. I had never had the same experiences as a Hmong group has had in their lives. We also live in a different time were the typical American birth is the more standard for this period of time were if it was in the past then you can maybe consider them for their birthing techniques. Even though I like the spiritual aspects of the Hmong group I would still go with an American typical

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