
Symbol and Symbolism of Water in Toni Morrison's Beloved Essay

Decent Essays

The Powerful Symbol of Water in Beloved

Water. It expresses its’ power in the form of hurricanes and flash floods. It displays its gentleness, washing dirt off a child's scabbed knee. Water has been used to quench the thirst of many longing throats; and it has been the cause of death to those who unfavorably crossed its path. It possesses the power of total destruction, yet it holds the bases of all life. Generally, water has symbolized cleanliness and renewal. In the Bible, water was used in Baptism, cleansing the soul of original sin and offering a new life in the light of God. Water in itself is a natural purifier, washing the dirt from our bodies. Water is a symbol of …show more content…

of the sin of slavery, and gave him a new beginning as a free man in Ohio. Morrison states "it rained" three separate times to make the reader aware that water is the main cause of the transition in Paul D.'s life (p.109-10). Paul D.'s is now a free black man. A free black man traveling to 124.

Water represents Sethe's transition from slavery to freedom. Sethe left Sweet Home pregnant with Denver, "and ran off with no one's help" (p.224). She ran scared and fearful of the trackers following her trail. Sethe met Amy Denver, a white women, on her way to Ohio. Amy helped Sethe find the Ohio River. The river was "one mile of dark water...[and] it looked like home to her and the baby"(p.83). When Amy left, Sethe traveled downstream and met Stamp Paid. He helped her and Denver cross the river to freedom. Stamp took Sethe upstream, "and just when she thought he was taking her back to Kentucky, he [Stamp Paid] turned the flatbed and crossed the Ohio like a shot" (p.91). The river locked away the memories of Sweet Home and began her life with Denver at 124. Water represents the transition of Sethe's slave life to her life of freedom. Again, water has cleansed the soul of the sin of slavery. The river is now a barrier. It separates Sethe's life of slavery, to her new life of freedom.

Water introduces the end of Sethe's life without

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