
Take Me Out Critique

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On this critique, I am going to discussed Take Me Out by Richard Greenberg, directed by Andrew Paul and the aspects of it. The play was about a baseball team, however, it addresses the social issues in modern American life such as racial and sexual identity1. In this play, it uses baseball to describe the beauty of democracy. What I am going to discuss on this critique is the set designs, the level of participation, lighting, and the theme of the play.
When I entered into the theatre to take a seat, I noticed the stage was set up with showers, lockers, and small baseball field. The showers were placed in the back of the stage, the baseball players' lockers were placed on the sides, and there was painted baseball field in the middle of the …show more content…

Throughout the play, it was amazing how they used the lights to transition when tragic events occurred in play like a cliffhanger. In part three, when Shane confesses about the wrong deeds Kippy did, the light shines only at Darren and Kippy to make the event look serious; which made event suspenseful for the audience to capture their attention.
The theme Take Me Out was sexuality or race identity doesn't change the personality of the person or what they do. In the beginning of the play, the players didn't care about sexuality or race because they all loved playing baseball and winning. Also, they used baseball to describe having the freedom to express themselves. Which was true, because sexuality and race is just a part of who we are as a person.
How the set designs, level of participation, lighting, and the theme made Take Me Out stands out to me. How the set designs help captures the setting of the story so, the audience can feel they were on an actual baseball field and locker room. The lighting and level of participation help to build up suspense to the story and made the audience wanting to continue every time it left with a cliffhanger. Overall, the play was amazing due to all the techniques in the play so they can send the message across and make them acknowledge the problem in

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