
Taylor Swift Blank Space

Decent Essays

Ironically addressed to the numerous rumors that have risen over Taylor Swift's career, "Blank Space," is a clear painting of the artist as a hopeless romantic with an addiction to erratic relationships. Swift uses the song as an outlet to make light of the gossip in an exaggerated portrayal of the characteristics she is most often associated with, by way of her beautifully choreographed music video to accompany the song. Swift arranges for her personal experiences to severe her as a guide, to write music in which her admirers can personalize. An event that most individuals can relate to is going through a heartbreaking relationship, in which case, Swift is an expert on making public. Identifying with millions of fans, who go through the “fantasy of love,” Taylor Swift portrays the cycles of a relationship in her song and video “Blank Space;” the elements represented are romance, jealousy and disillusionment. …show more content…

Initially, the viewer is introduced to a magical world of mansions, classic cars, and gallant men surrounded by pearl white horses in a style replicating that of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby." Her lyrics play "Cherry lips, crystal skies; I could show you incredible things," in suggestion of the typical allurements of romance repeatedly often seen in fairy tales. Expectations are set overly high with "forever,” as it is stated in the lyrics, with the illusion that the current relationship will be a committed one. She emphasizes this idea by creating a portrait of her lover and carving his names on tree, while destroying the portraits and memories of past mates, demonstrating that her previous relationships have only been “fantasies.” However, maintaining the standards for the current relationship as a fable as she sings “You’re the king baby I’m your

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