
The Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Essay

Decent Essays

True friends should never die

Friends comes and goes but real friends stay forever. Without friend you will be a loner and you will have no one to express your feeling to. People who don't have no one they are called loner and if you are a loner you are worthless, nonetheless. Having friend is the best thing you will ever had. The absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is a book about an 14-year-old Native American boy who struggle throughout his story. The theme about friendships in this book is that Junior is grateful having friends. Because he can get to express his feeling to even tho he don't want them to know he really is. Junior Friendships symbolizes Junior by making him feel better and having confidence.
Rowdy is the only true friend that make him feel alive. Junior explains how he and Rowdy have been friends for 14 years and their friendship never end like the fairy-tail. Despite Junior like expressing his feeling to his friends especially Rowdy since he's his best friend. Junior explain why Rowdy is …show more content…

Introducing Halloween event for Junior and Penelope they both dress as homeless to protest for the treatment for homeless people. Junior made a bet with Penelope ¨Hey,¨ I said. ¨Why don't we pool our money tomorrow and send it together? We'd be able to give twice as much.¨ and made Penelope studied him for a bit if he was serious or not. Penelope made him feel welcomed because he wore poor and baggy clothes and he could not afford new one. ¨Oh, my God!¨ She yelled for everybody to hear. ¨That suit is so beautiful. It's so retroactive that it's radioactive!¨ She did that so Junior can feel comfortable. This shows that penelope sees Junior as handsome and a good looking guy, but Junior doesn't think the same way. When penelope said that he felt very confident of what he wore. Junior did not feel alone when he was in that

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