
The American Revolution : A Major Part Of American History

Good Essays

Phillip Hansen
Mrs. Blomme
Honors 1
2 October 2014
The American Revolution The American Revolution is greatly known around the United States and was a major part of American History. It was at the time when Britain was in charge of thenewly found colonies, but these colonists were not happy, since Britain is across the Ocean. After too much power being brought from the King to the Colonies, the colonists decided to rebel. The colonists had the intention of causing a rebellion against the British, they would become independent and free from the control of Great Britain and it’s government. The colonists had to be very smart and strategic if they wanted to rebel against the most powerful country in the world, to be independent from Britain. …show more content…

Probably one of the first events from Britain that angered colonists was The Stamp Act. It was passed by the King as the first act to have Britain government involved with the Colonists (Stamp Act). This Act put a tax on paper that would be used in the colonies, this was an outrage because it would include every paper that would be used to write on, for example, letters. The colonists felt anger towards the British government, because it is a huge tax since it is on an everyday used thing, and the fact that a government across the ocean is trying to enforce acts upon them just did not seem right. This act was not even a decision for the colonists to make or approve of. The point of this act was to help the economy of Great Britain, since it was in debt from the Seven Years War (Stamp Act). The Boston Massacre was a very unsettling event that occurred to lead up the the Revolutionary War, and this event was one of the main reasons for a rebellion. “The presence of British troops in the city of Boston was increasingly unwelcome”(Boston Massacre). Since these troops were very unsettling to the colonists, a small group of them decided to throw some rocks at them. To these troops, their response were to open fire at the group of people in front of them, so the colonists would stop bullying them.

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