
The And Construction Of The United States Of America

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Tolerance is one of the most important principle of the development and construction of the United States of America. Tolerance creates a peaceful society, where people feel respected or valued. When the founding fathers established this country, women were not respected as they are today. To have tolerance, means to have a permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one 's own. Even though within tolerance there several discrimination acts. Sexism, a discrimination against gender, being one main subject that is still being fought today in several countries all over and across the world.
Sexism emerged mostly in second wave of feminism in the 1960s throughout the 80s and developed possibly because of racism and Civil Rights Movement. The act of sexism inflicts on the standards of what men can do and what women can do. Even though women tend to be more emotional than men, many studies have shown that women are intellectually smarter than men. For example, a woman has the ability to maneuver a man into reaching a conclusion the woman wanted them to reach, while the man thinks they came up with the idea all by themselves. Women have always been considered as the weaker sex due to many roles they do such as maternity. The role of maternity has derived a conclusion that women should stay-at-home, take care of children, and do housework. Before the 19th century, wifehood and motherhood was the only profession avowed to women. When the 19th century

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