
The Book of Negroes Expository Essay

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It is impossible for anyone to survive a horrible event in their life without a relationship to have to keep them alive. The connection and emotional bond between the person suffering and the other is sometimes all they need to survive. On the other hand, not having anyone to believe in can make death appear easier than life allowing the person to give up instead of fighting for survival. In The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill, Aminata Diallo survives her course through slavery by remembering her family and the friends that she makes. Aminata is taught by her mother, Sira to deliver babies in the villages of her homeland. This skill proves to be very valuable to Aminata as it helps her deliver her friends babies and create a source of …show more content…

Through her Mother’s guidance, Aminata learns different medicines and techniques to help pregnant women, or treat certain diseases. Overtime, Aminata uses these to generate a source of income for herself when she needs resources. Aminata’s second master, Solomon lindo givers her a business opportunity to be a midwife in and around Charlestown. Aminata narrates, “…I began to charge slave owners twelve shillings for catching a baby” (209). Using this money she pays Lindo a small share, but uses some of it for herself, sometimes hiding it under a loose plank and spending it on necessities. The white people in her life saw Aminata as valuable because of her knowledge (of delivering babies) and this gave her a higher advantage over others. If Aminata never learned this skill from her mother, then she would have had to abandon many of her friends in their time of need. (QUoTE???). This skill that Aminata has is a symbol of birth and the start of life. This symbol of birth helps Aminata to sustain the life of the many African babies in their mother’s wombs as they experience the pain of slavery. Aminata’s skill is also a symbol of the start of life for the Africans in slavery as they journey to new countries around the world. In conclusion Aminata’s relationship with her mother when she was young helped her to help other people live while (generating/creating) a source of income for herself. Aminata’s love for education comes from her father, and it acts as a light that

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