
The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe

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Edgar Allen Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado tells the story of a man who illustrates vengeance in its purest form. The short story is set in an unnamed Italian city during a time of celebration and carnival. It is told in a flashback by the narrator, Montresor, who recounts the day he took revenge on Fortunato, a man who continuously insulted him until he had enough and responded. This story is one of the most influential works in the horror genre as it possesses valuable insight into the psychological tendencies of the mind and its power to bring out the worst in human nature. Montresor becomes frustrated with the “injuries” caused by Fortunato and proceeds to commit the “perfect” crime— an undisclosed murder. Montresor’s strange and obsessive need for vengeance drives him to a point of insanity as he plans the most intricate details of his crime. In addition to this psychological analysis, biographical elements stemming from Poe’s life contribute to the story’s plot and themes. The idea behind the story stems from Poe’s experience at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, as he heard rumors of a military officer who faced a similar fate to that of Fortunato’s. Although proven to be false, the rumor contributed to the idea of such a story along with other things occurring in Poe’s life, such as his rivalry with literary critic Thomas Dunn English, who made parodies of Poe’s poetry and stories. Edgar Allen Poe’s writing of this short story was influenced by a variety of

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