
The Cask Of Amontillado Montresor Traits

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“The Cask of Amontillado” is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe about vengeance, hatred, irony, and suspense. The story originally came out in Godey’s Lady’s Book 1846 issue. The story is portrayed through the murderer’s perspective, Montresor. At first, it was very difficult to understand the story, especially with such advanced and unusual vocabulary, but once you start to piece together each detail, it all falls into its rightful place. In the short story Montresor is seeking revenge on Fortunato, who has offended him in some unwritten way. Montresor leads the extremely intoxicated Fortunato through the catacombs of Italy, promising him wine at their destination. Fortunato has a very rugged cough, which he insists is nothing more. They …show more content…

No one in their right mind would so easily decide to murder someone for revenge! He must have been holding quite a few grudges against Fortunato to decide he needs to die. His naïve trait really shows through whenever he kills himself on accident. He’s not the brightest I guess, or maybe he just got caught up in the moment and didn’t realize. He comes across as a very gullible and easily persuaded type of guy. Like a young child almost, very innocent. In the same sense though he reminds me of an evil kitten, he’s trying so hard to be mean and evil, but he just can’t do it. He’s too naïve to emit an angry vibe. However, he just might be a little bit spiteful; considering he thought up the plan to intoxicate Fortunato, hide stone and mortar, walk through the eerie catacombs, imprison Fortunato, and then manufacture a wall. It’s actually quite genius if you ask me; I mean who would take so much time to do something like this. Not anyone who is mentally stable that’s for sure. Montresor just doesn’t appear to have emotions or be in a very healthy mental state. Here again though, he reminds me of a kitten who is trying to be mean and evil but just can’t quite get

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