
The Causes And Consequences Of The Logistics Revolution In A Business

Decent Essays

An organization’s strategy is the overall plan for an entire business that sets out how the organization will use its major resources. In other words, an organization’s strategy is a plan of action aimed at reaching specific goals and remaining in good attitude with clients and vendors. On the other hands, an establishment’s structure is the way the pieces of the organization fit together internally.
Strategy focuses on the ways to be dynamic with an organised plan to achieve a goal or benefit within a firm/corporation.
Structure is a series of organisational techniques to relate/arrange between parts or elements of something more complex.

℗4. Logistics revolution in a business context

Logistic revolution has evolved businesses improving the efficiency of strategy and structure, leading to a profitability increase with firms inducing an optimisation belief with selected specialist skills. Bonacich and Wilson
The logistics revolution and its consequences are the central points of focus to their book. They define the logistics revolution as “a quiet change” to how “consumer goods are being produced and delivered” (p. 3). It has a “sizeable impact on society and the way it is organized” (p. 3). The revolution is how the “entire cycle of production and distribution is now viewed as a single integrated unit that requires its own specialists for analysis and implementation” (p. 3). Following arguments advanced Marxist geographers, such as David Harvey, authors maintain the

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