
The Causes Of Global Warming

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Across centuries, nations from all around the world come together in order to discuss trade and issues. Every nation has to rely on at least one other nation to obtain a necessity in order to continue to strive in their survival or keeping up with the newest invention of the time period. Many factors have to be taken into consideration when nations want to continue trading, like the global climate. A problem that has been rising more and more each year is global warming. Global warming is “the average global temperature that has increased” . Many people all around the world have openly brushed off global warming because they believe it is not true or it is not a real problem to be addressed. Global warming does not seem to be taken as seriously as some make it to be because there are many instances where it’s believed that this situation will not affect the daily life of every single human being on the planet. Without being conscious of the situation, the world may start to notice the great effect global warming can bring along with being careless. Global warming has been researched for a while by scientists and they have come to conclusion that “the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the ‘greenhouse effect’” . Greenhouse gases are trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere in order to keep the Earth from becoming extremely cold. Things like coal burning causes carbon to enter the atmosphere and mix with the oxygen in the atmosphere to form carbon

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