
The Character Of Phoenix Jackson, A Worn Path

Decent Essays

Adrianna Ratliff
English 1123-UTAB
Critical Analysis Essay
29 October 2014 The Character of Phoenix Jackson,” A Worn Path” Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path,” is a story about an elderly woman name Phoenix Jackson walking on a path to Natchez to get some medicine for her ill grandson that swallowed some lye that affected him severely. The story portrayed a vivid idea of her personalities and the readers realize how unique Phoenix Jackson is. Phoenix faced many trials and tribulations while on her journey but she continued to move forward. Phoenix character is like none other some may call her crazy and misunderstood, but she is a fearless character. Phoenix Jackson completes her mission because she is determined, brave, and a true Godly figure
Phoenix is an old woman who is living in poverty. The love she has for her grandson is strong and pure. Phoenix does whatever it takes to care for him including putting he life in danger. Image this old lady walking on this long path with absolutely no help, limping while on the way there. Phoenix has this cane that she made from an umbrella, which was barely stable to hold her together. Yet, she kept tapping the frozen earth in front of her. Phoenix is a song willed person that will stop at nothing to get the job done. Every December she takes this journey through the path and she knows it forward and backwards. Every creature and problems that occurred she overcome and fought hard to reach her destination. In story Eudora

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