
The Charges Against Socrates Essay

Decent Essays

The Charges Against Socrates

The charges against Socrates were brought upon him by a man names Meletus. Meletus was a young man that Socrates did not know very well. These charges brought on by Meletus caused the indictment of Socrates. One of the charges in the affidavit written by Meletus against Socrates is that he is "corrupting the youth." Another charge that is brought upon Socrates is that of he is making up new Gods and disregarding the old Gods the Athenians believe in. These were the charges brought on Socrates.
Socrates starts his defense by addressing the jury and telling them that his accusers had a prepared speech, while Socrates' speech will be completely improvised. Socrates continued to further disassociate …show more content…

Towards the end of Socrates' defense he states, " They enjoy hearing these being questioned who think they are wise, but are not." Socrates is telling the jury that he has been honest with them and that he does not corrupt the youth, the youth and others follow him around for the reason in quotations. This was Socrates' defense. If I were a juror in this trial I would plan to vote note guilty. The basis of my decision would be simple. In Socrates' defense speech he is clear in his arguments, and I was thoroughly convinced when he cross examined Meletus and cornered him on many areas of his charges against Socrates. An example of this is when Socrates says, "All Athenians, it seems, make the young into fine and good men, except me, and I alone corrupt them. Is that what you mean? -- That is most definitely what I mean." Socrates then goes and counter attacks by asking Meletus if this also applies to other animals. Socrates asks if all men improve horses and only one person corrupts them. Socrates ends this small argument by saying "You have made it sufficiently obvious, Meletus, that you have never had any concern for our youth; you show your indifference clearly; that you have given no thought to the subjects about which you bring me to trial." This quote from the text obviously shows that Meletus does not

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