
The Complexity Of Identity Work Constructed By Manh Essay

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Data analysis
This section provides an analysis of several aspects of identity work constructed by Manh, one of the five teachers participated in my study. Through the analysis, it is interesting to observe the complexity of Manh’s identity construction. The identity work constructed by Manh encompasses not only aspects of Manh being a friendly and approachable teacher, but also Manh’s approach to power and morality exercising in the classroom context. The analysis is divided into two main parts. The first part exhibits examples of how Manh portraits himself as a funny, sensible and approachable teacher. The second part presents examples where traces of power practice and morality are under scrutiny. Class observation notes and interview data including are used as a complementary sources for the analysis.
1.1. The dynamic process of identity construction
Drawing from the classroom data, there are examples where Manh’s identity construction can be associated to the identity of a funny, friendly and approachable teacher. This observation is drawn from several teacher-initiated humour examples found in the classroom discourse. The humor is delivered through teacher’s use of humorous questions, imaginary situation and metaphor that provokes humor. These phenomena are found in extract 1.
Extract 1 is taken from one of Manh’s lessons and the main topic is about ‘friendship’. According to my observation from this particular stage of the lesson, Manh writes on the board one at a

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