
The Debate Over The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution Of 1787

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The debate over the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation has been a long lasting one. In order to create a document that would adequately protect the American people and their interests’ the Founding Fathers embarked on a journey to create a document that would address all of the discrepancies found within the Articles of Confederation Therefore, the purpose of this paper is threefold. First, to compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of 1787. Second, to analyze the drafting of the Constitution. Third, to compare and contrast the debate over ratification of the Constitution between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Under the Articles of Confederation, all states are sovereign. Under the articles, a federal court system does not exist nor did independent executives. All laws set for the citizens of America are enforced and set by the state. Congress is composed of one body and is delegated specific authorities. The Articles state that congress is not allowed to participate in state or foreign commerce, nor are they allowed to tax citizens. In the case of having documents or laws amended, each state is allowed one vote. If a unanimous decision cannot be made, then the document or law could not be amended (Maier, 2010; Wood, 1998 .) On the other hand, there is the Constitution of 1787. According to the Constitution, sovereignty is granted to the state independent state government and the central government. However, under the

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