
The Declaration Of Independence And The United States Constitution Essay

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Two of the most important documents in United States history, are the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. The Declaration of Independence was a catalyst that helped to shape America to what it is today: a nation where its core values are still defined, and where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness still thrive in the American people. The rights that people possess are called natural rights, these were the standards for a human life and were not dependent of any government or a culture. After four years of American triumph in the Revolutionary War, to make another contract for overseeing the stabilization of the country, representatives “established delegates in the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention” (Carey 40). In drafting the Constitution, the greater part of the Founding Fathers trusted that the defenses composed into it would secure the privileges of Americans. When the Constitution was sent to the states in 1787 for confirmation, an incredible thunder of dissatisfaction went up. Different Americans from various states requested that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution. Various states approved the Constitution just restrictively. They would favor the Constitution just on the chance that it was changed to incorporate these rights (Carey 40). After reading Krugman’s “The Death of Horatio Alger,” Cox’s and Alm’s “By Our Own Bootstraps,” and Dalmia’s “Long Live the American Dream,” these articles inform the reader and give a

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