
The Decline of Education in America Essay

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The quality of education given in today's schools has declined since the idea of schools began. Currently students are graduating without being able to read or write. The blame lies on the teachers, government and every American citizen for not speaking up to bring change sooner. Only in the most recent years has there been any will to change the system.(Sharma)

It is argued that there are 4 elements critical to the effectiveness of the instructional process: 1. the learner, 2. the teacher, 3. the home, and 4. the academic programs and the physical facilities at the school. These are interdependent and interactive and must function in unison for effective teaching to take place. The teacher's primary responsibility is to help …show more content…

Some schools are so out of control that some teachers are afraid for their lives, not to mention the students. How can a student learn if they think they might be killed after class or offered drugs? The United States needs to stop sending money to other countries and start spending money on the future leaders of this country.

The teacher plays the most vital role in education, without their involvement, no learning would exist. Currently the qualifications for teaching are fairly adequate. One serious problem is the salary for teachers and how highly they are respected by society. As of now, garbage collectors and paid more than teachers. It's as if Americans want clean neighborhoods more so than they do educated children. Why should a teacher be compelled to teach if they don't get much respect for it? Most teachers are what they are by a choice and a desire to educate. Most garbage collectors did not chose to be what they are, it's just a matter of circumstances. Being a teacher is not a 9-5 job. Teachers may work from 9-4 or 9-9, they have a very demanding schedule and work different lengthy hours for the same wage. If teachers are paid more, they are likely to teach better.

General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) and the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) are groups designed to study the quality of education among other things. Both are supposed to measure how prepared or competent a teacher is and whether or not they

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