
The Devil In The Shape Of A Woman Summary

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The Devil in the Shape of a Woman Book Review Carol F. Karlsen was born on December 15, 1940. The location of where she was born is unknown. Karlsen received her B.A. degree from the University of Maryland in 1970, her M.A. degree from New York University in 1972, and her Ph.D. degree from Yale University. She was a professor of history at the University of Michigan and a professor of history and women’s studies in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. She retired from teaching on May 31, 2011. Other books written by Karlsen are The Journal of Esther Edwards Burr, 1754-1757 and The Salem Witchcraft Trials: A History in Documents. The time period of the book The Devil in the Shape of a Woman was during the 1600’s and 1700’s. The …show more content…

The author attempted to describe the witch trials from colonial New England and informing why they were accused of being witches. She mainly talks about Sarah Good, Jane Hawkins, Ann Hibbens, Anne Hutchinson, Mary Johnson, Margaret Jones, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba. The reason for Karlsen mainly mentioning the said women in the above text is they are on of the first women to be accused. Also, they were living in such a religious time period and location. The way Karlsen proved the social construction of witchcraft by having a wide range of witchcraft trials that occurred from different centuries. Karlsen also, had a comprehensive understanding of what happened during the accusations and the outcome of their punishment for being a “witch.” Types of evidence used in the book were statistical evidence and documentary evidence. The author examined the religious beliefs of the Puritans and New Englanders. In addition, Karlsen evaluated the demography of witchcraft by analyzing the records of the period and discovering the social and economic characteristics of the accused witches. The author attempted to reach people who were in the studies of colonial times in the Americas. She also attempted to reach the females who are feminist for Karlsen talks about how mainly women were accused of performing witchcraft. Karlsen used an expository writing style to explain and

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