
The Effect Of Positive Reinforcement

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The Effects of Positive Reinforcement
Sheronda Dueberry
Kaplan University
PS340 - Unit 4 Assignment
April 16, 2016

Appropriate and positive behavior is very important in the classroom. One way to help with behavioral issues is using positive reinforcement and rewards in many circumstances. Praises can be in the form of verbal affirmation and rewards can be in the form of giving stickers to the student for getting good grades, being a classroom helper and/or displaying positive behavior throughout the day.
There are many was to help guide good behavior and responsibility with elementary aged children. I will be discussing three important behavioral expectation that is acknowledge in my School Wide Positive Behavior Support …show more content…

It is very important to teach your students the right and wrong way of behaviors expectations. The right way to engage in this expectation is Susan is at my desk explaining her painting to me but Ben wants to talk about his painting as well. Ben should patiently wait in line behind Susan until she is done talking. Another way to positively engage in this expectation is if I am observing the students at the art center and Ben is in his chair discussing his painting, Susan should wait patiently with her hand raised until I am done talking with Ben.
Children should corrected when they engage in wrong behavioral expectations. An example of the wrong way to engage in this expectations is Susan is at my desk discussing her painting, while we are talking Ben interrupts us and starts talking about his new puppy at home. Another example is I am in the reading center talking with Ben. Susan is done with the art center but noticed I’m engaged in a conversation with her classmate. She then yells across the room for my attention instead of raising her hand and waiting until I am no longer talking with Ben.
There are many ways to reinforce the behavior of children not interrupting others while they are talking. Verbal positive reinforcement is a great option to use for this behavior, “Instructional feedback, information provided to students about their performance, falls into two broad categories: (a) praise and/or other forms of confirmation or positive reinforcement for

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