
The Effects Of Special Needs On Children

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Special needs kids are not sick or gross. They only want to be accepted. They want to feel normal. They cannot help the way they were born. People who have never dealt with special needs children do not see what they go through on a daily basis. One out of every 10 children under the age of 14 has some type of special need. Which includes any medical disability, chronic or life threatening illness. The children and parents both deal with emotional battles. The parents are more tired, emotionally and physically than a parent without a special need kid. They feel alone, because raising a special needs kid is very challenging and takes a lot more effort. They are scared because they do not know what the future holds. Organizations like CEIP give kids and parents more hope. They give them something positive to look forward to. The Cumberland Early Invention Program is a very supportive program. It is good to know there are still non-profit companies out there that are genuinely “non-profit”. The company has served more than 1000 children and their families. There are some moments when the company deals with 40-60 families. Some companies/programs claim to be non-profit but they still have their hand in the cookie jar. The Cumberland Early Invention Program is actually for people that need help and not for themselves. The Cumberland Early Invention program current donors and supporters are the

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