
The Effects of Marijuana Essay

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People might think smoking marijuana is cool. They might try it without knowing what it is or what affects is has on you. Once someone smokes it for the first time, they might keep doing it again and again and they could get hooked on it for life. People who use marijuana usually never use any other type of illegal drugs, but more than seven thousand five hundred people get arrested for using marijuana every year. There is a wide variety of marijuana, but they are all based off of two marijuana plants, Indica and Sativa. Marijuana is very popular in America, and all over the world. Marijuana affects the body, it can be used as medicine, and marijuana can be addictive.
Marijuana can simply increase the user’s happiness, but it can also mess …show more content…

As soon as someone smells smoke that smells sweet and sour, they know that it is definitely marijuana smoke. It can be used in many ways such as smoked, usually in joints, bongs, and blunts. Some people even put it on their food and brew as tea! The two most common types of marijuana plants are Sativa and Indica. The only differences are the Indica grows short and wide and are better suited to grow inside. The Sativa are thin and tall and are suited to grow outside because they can even grow to reach twenty five feet in height. Some popular types of marijuana are White Widow, Sour Diesel, Bubblegum, Vortex, and Holland’s Hope. All of them give the user the “high” feeling, which leaves them happy and dizzy at the same time.
Marijuana was first used in ancient China by a Chinese Emperor by the name of Shen Nung. Even Queen Victoria used it. Shen Nung the Chinese Emperor was the first recorded person who used marijuana. He would use it as a pain killer during operations. In ancient India marijuana was holy. A Hindu god by the name of Shiva gave hemp as a gift to all humanity. It was inexpensive and available to almost everyone. It was known as “The Poor Man’s Heaven”. Cannabis leaves were commonly brewed, and they would add milk and sugar to make a drink. In ancient Rome there was a physician named Galen. He recommended the use of marijuana to reduce pain in operations, or for just everyday pains.

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