
The Emotions Of The Brain Impacted By Emotions

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An emotion is described as, “a conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as a strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Strong feelings of emotion, such as anger, love, fear, joy, hate, etc., impact parts of the brain, both positively and negatively, and how an individual learns.
In regards to the parts of the brain impacted by emotions, the limbic system is made of six different parts. First, the almond-shaped amygdala, is located in the medial temporal lobe, handles intense emotional responses, such as aggression or fear, and is very important in emotional learning. Secondly, is the hippocampus. The hippocampus also is located in the medial temporal lobe, is a structure where short-term memories are formed and, plays a role in emotions and memory. The third part of the brain impacted by emotions is the pre-frontal cortex that is located near the front of the head. It is involved in decision-making in response to emotions. The fourth is the hypothalamus. This structure is located in the diencephalon, feeds information into the amygdala, and acts as a regulator of emotion. The hypothalamus controls sexual desire, pleasure, aggression, and anger. The cingulated gyrus is the fifth part of the brain impacted by emotions. “An important part of the limbic system, the cingulate gyrus helps regulate emotions and pain. The cingulate gyrus is thought

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