
The Ethics Of Computers With Ai

Decent Essays

In recent years, advancements in robotics has been bringing humans and machines to work together. Many autonomous systems are being used for variety of things. Robots can be used for simple tasks like mowing the lawn and vacuuming to advanced tasks like self-driving vehicles. Many of these robots are given artificial intelligence (AI). Development of AI has recently become a major topic among philosophers and engineers. One major concern is the ethics of computers with AI. Robot ethics (roboethics) is an area of study about rules that should be created to ensure that robots behave ethically. Humans are morally obligated to ensure that machines with artificial intelligence behave ethically. In the 1940s, science-fiction author Isaac …show more content…

Then it could run a near infinite number of scenarios where the action could become a universal law. If they robot could accomplish the task, then it morally permissible to act on the maxim. Having a robot that follows the first formulation would also benefit humans. The robot could assist humans by running many scenarios. This would be a good starting point for when an AI needs to make a decision. Rules can be implemented easily since they are categorical. Another approach would be to teach the robot how to respond in situations. The response would need to have an ethical outcome. The method is similar to how humans learn morality. The robot would learn right from wrong. This approach can be effective as long as the teacher acts ethically. Robots could also take an Act Utilitarianism approach to decision making. A robot could run an algorithm to maximize overall happiness. An AI would quantify the happiness that each action would cause and then compare the results. Robots can do the calculations to estimate the amount of happiness that a decision could create a lot faster than humans can. This system could work if nobody is killed or harmed. The rules and laws that govern humans would need to be taken into account. This would ensure that the AI makes an ethical decision. The creation of AIs also needs to be

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