
The Ethics Of File Sharing

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CMSC 350 second paper Michael Montgomery
The Ethics of File Sharing
File sharing is the act of someone making a copy of a file and sending it to another person. The method of sharing includes Internet peer to peer transfers, but also includes physical CD copies, emails, and mobile storage devices. Companies are justified in focusing on physical CD sales and online peer to peer file sharing, as their sales have potential to cause harm. Loss of sales is indeed what is happening. Consumers need to be more aware of the risks of file sharing. File sharing increases risks of viruses or loss of personal info. Education on the risks and side effects of file sharing need to exist or be clearer to the younger audience. File sharing spreads hundreds …show more content…

In Taiwan 1997, music sales hit 12 billion in their country specific currency. That statistic dropped to 2 billion at 2012 due to the increasing amount of internet usage. (3) On further study via surveying usage, riskiness, and preferences of media, people told an activity is likely to get caught doing and has a large fine is 7% likely to continue performing. This statistic is vs 75% likely to continue performing illegal acts if low risk of getting caught and low fines. (3) Using this information, increasing estimated risk and increasing actual fines will have a great reduction in piracy (3). To do that, high schools and colleges need to push the possibilities of getting caught and the severity of penalties. Education on the risks of file sharing for consumers can lead to reduction of piracy, and increased safety for users as well. File sharing doesn’t just affect big companies. Single artists and small bands have always strived to get their work out and hopefully also for sales to continue making work. If consumers knew how businesses worked and the years of time it takes for a product to become available, then they’d be less likely to steal via pirating. Piracy has protections, “Recent research done by the Vienna University of Technology shows that distributing infected cracks or keygens is one of the ways malware can spread… Their analysis shows that about 50% of collected cracks and keygens tested are infected with malware” (8). If customers

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