
The Freedom to the Choice of Abortion

Decent Essays

We all live our lives as we please all in accordance to the law, but when it comes to abortion people start to judge and try to regulate how others live and interfere in their personal choices. We live in a country based on freedoms, and women have and should continue to have the freedom to the choice of an abortion. A woman’s right to choose abortion is a fundamental right recognized by the US Supreme Court. The courts also have a category of classes called the ‘near-suspect’ classes, which include gender. Gender deserves protection from possible discrimination at the hands of the majority. Women constitute a majority of American’s and have been discriminated in the past. The Landmark case Roe v. Wade was decided and remains the law of the land. Making laws against abortions don’t stop abortions from happening; they just make it less safe, which in many cases leads to death. Therefore idea of supporting pro-life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro-choice. No child should be brought into this world where they are not wanted or are not able to live a normal life. Most people who are against abortion will never even become pregnant, so they should not be making laws against it. Pregnancy is a private and personal matter. Outlawing abortion is discriminatory and unfortunately abortions are being transformed from a right to a privilege for most women.
Abortion represents a woman's right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy, and this is a

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