
The Great Gatsby Symbolism Essay

Decent Essays

Amy Chen
May 3, 2012
Block E
Gatsby's Symbolic House

In literature, symbols are used to add deeper meaning to the story or hint at an emotion or attitude towards something without directly stating it. Sometimes they are obvious while other times sometimes they are hidden, regardless, they are used to enhance the story. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald uses symbolism to create a more realistic story for the reader. Although, many symbols are present throughout the story, Gatsby's house represents something more than just a luxurious building; his house reveals Gatsby's true character, love for Daisy and his struggle to maintain it.
Gatsby's lavish mansion is described early on in the story which illustrates …show more content…

Gatsby spends years trying to find Daisy (S). When he finally does, he decides to hold lavish parties every Saturday to attract Daisy (CX). One evening, “There was music from my neighbor's house and through the summer lights... men and girls came and went like moths among the whispering and the champagne and stars” (Fitzgerald 39). This reveals Gatsby's true feelings towards his parties; the smiles, the laughter, the people- all have no significance in his heart. To him, none of this matters, unless Daisy is there. Gatsby is not even aware of whom attends his parties, “Sometimes they came and went without having met Gatsby at all” (Fitzgerald 41). As soon as his discovers the relationship between Nick and Daisy, he pulls Jordan aside to ask Nick invite Daisy to Nick's house, so he can coincidently drop by. Gatsby's willingness to host parties every week, shows his perseverance and sincerity towards Daisy. It is at Gatsby's house where the two finally reunite. Even the darkest, coldest place is enlightened when they are together. Before entering the house, Daisy sees the house as vacant, but when they were in the cellar, “the gray windows disappeared as the house glowed full of light” (Fitzgerald 94). To Gatsby, everything seems perfect and nothing seems to matter as long as Daisy is his side. After their reunion, Daisy begins to visit Gatsby's house more frequently; this leads to his ultimate decision to fire

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