
The Great Grand Father Of George Washington

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George Washington was one of the most skilled, and maybe the best person that could have held the title of founder of the United States of American. He had the capabilities of representing his people on the Continental Congress, the intelligence to flip his misfortunes to his victories on many battles against the British and on his personal life, the generosity of believing in people that were ignored or discriminated by society and more remarkably, the bravery needed to act against the laws and even risk his own life on several occasions for the liberty of his people, among many other aspects that makes him one of the most studied historical characters and sources of inspiration.
John Washington (who was the great-grand father of George Washington) came to Virginia in 1657 and obtained a land of almost 150 acres in Westmoreland County on the Potomac River and seven years, built Mount Vernon out of this land and another grant of 5,000 acres just 18 miles down present-day Washington, D.C. There’s not enough evidence to conclude anything for his son Lawrence, but his grandson Augustine left an immense record of businesses, mines, properties, and 2 marriages that left 5 descendants; between them George Washington.
George was born as the eldest son of this father’s second marriage on February 22, 1732. And during his childhood, George moved with his family to another plantation on a place called Epsewasson, not very far from the Potomac.
When he was only eleven years old his

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