
The Impact Of Cristiano Ronaldo On The World

Decent Essays

Cristiano Ronaldo is undoubtedly one of the greatest soccer players to ever step foot on a pitch. Throughout his career, he has managed to set records and win virtually every individual and team award possible with the exception of the World Cup. Ronaldo has won the FIFA Player of the Year Award (Ballon D’or) 3 times and is very likely to be on his way to a 4th come this January. What separates Cristiano from the rest of the world is his drive. He has always believed that he is the best and is never satisfied with what he has already accomplished. The main reason however, that I chose to write about Cristiano Ronaldo is because we have something in common. He was diagnosed with a heart problem at the age of 15 which threatened his …show more content…

His father, Dinis Aviero was an alcoholic and was on the verge of death. In fact, in 2005 he passed away due to liver disease and kidney failure. His father struggled with alcoholism his whole life and because of that Dinis missed out on the success of his son. Alongside the passing of his father, Ronaldo’s mother, Dolores was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and also suffers from extreme anxiety. After Cristiano’s spell in Manchester, he made a record setting transfer to Real Madrid in 2009. He was ready for a change and stated that he wants to play a different style of football and face a new challenge. Striving to be the greatest, Cristiano set out to Spain looking to break new records and pick up his second Ballon D’or after winning it the first time that previous year. This chapter in his life brought him head to head with his rival Lionel Messi, who is also a contender for the Player of the Year Award. In fact, Messi went on to win the award 4 consecutive years after Ronaldo picked it up for the first time. This fueled Ronaldo do impeccable things on the football pitch. He set club and league records in 2014, just 5 years after arriving in Madrid. He became the all-time leading goal scorer for his club and the player with the most hat-tricks in the history of the league. This helped him to win the Ballon D’or for the 2nd time in 2013 and to him it was the most meaningful award yet. Cristiano is the athlete and person he is today because of the

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