
The Importance Of Leadership During World War II

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Everyone should be treated fairly. When leaders treat everyone fairly it can build a strong morale, better relationships between the leader and direct report and then trust will be established. Of course, treating everyone fairly and equally can get confusing at times. The leader may have two direct reports and one of the employees does substantially more work than the other and the leader can always depend on them to accomplish the task at hand within the required deadline. On the other hand, the leader has another employee that completes the task but doesn’t put in quite as much effort. If the leader treats the two employees equally then the one employee that has gone above and beyond what is required of them could start to build resentment, they …show more content…

Eisenhower showed moral judgment, courage, compassion, honesty, and fairness. His judgments were based on facts. When General George S. Patton, had slapped and terrorized two soldiers, Eisenhower responded to Patton with a stern letter informing him such behavior would not be tolerated and urged the general to apologize to the soldiers. Fairness was a big virtue of Eisenhower as it exemplified a great leader. (Gini & Green, 2013, p. 5) By the same token, when treated everyone fairly regardless if the employee is new or has been with the organization for a number of years when they make a mistake the leader must hold them accountable. Leaders must have the courage to hold other’s accountable for their actions. There is a reason why a person is a leader and one of the beliefs are that as a leader you will hold your direct reports accountable and will deal appropriately with the weaker direct reports. (Bushey, p. 15) Likewise, if the leader makes a mistake they must take ownership for their error. Having the courtesy to say I apologize for my error will grant the leader respects and this will last longer than any embarrassment. (Bushey, p.

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