
The Influence Of Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the story, “Romeo and Juliet”, both Romeo and Juliet suicide after learning the other is dead. Even though there were a lot of characters in the story that influenced or indirectly caused the couple’s death, Friar Lawrence was the character that was the most responsible for their deaths, since he had the most influence on them. Near the middle of the story, Romeo and Juliet fall in love. Romeo requests that Friar Lawrence allow them to marry and he secretly marries them, representing the “holy church” (2. 6. 35 - 37). If the Friar had not married the couple together, they might have not been so attached to each other and not have wanted to suicide when something bad happened to the other. Friar Lawrence’s intention was to end the fued between the Capulets and the Montagues, but this only created more issues in Verona. …show more content…

When Romeo is banished from Verona after he killed Tybalt, the Friar decides to give Juliet a potion that would cause her to be “like death when he shuts up the day of life” until she wakes up “two and forty hours” later (4. 1. 95 - 108). Friar Lawrence also tries to send Romeo a letter to notify him of their plans (4. 1. 116). If the Friar had not given Juliet that potion, Balthasar might have not thought Juliet was dead and would not have told Romeo. If Balthasar did not tell Romeo that Juliet was dead, Romeo might have not went to the apothecary to buy a deadly poison to suicide with. Since the letter Friar Lawrence tried to deliver was never actually delivered to Romeo, Romeo never knew that Juliet was only sleeping. If he did know, he probably would not have killed himself. Romeo’s death was indirectly caused by the Friar, since his letter never got to

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