
The Legalization of Marijuana Essay

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The Legalization of Marijuana

The legalization of the drug marijuana is a hot topic nowadays. Many people want this substance to be legalized and regularly available like cigarettes. But what some people do not know are the serious health risks involved when using marijuana. There is a lot more to marijuana than just smoking it.

Marijuana can have very damaging affects on a person?s brain. It can impair a person?s short-term memory, decision-making and signal detection (Cannabinoids). ?In one study conducted in Memphis, TN, researchers found that, of 150 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs at the arrest scene, 33 percent tested positive for marijuana? (Marijuana). After having used marijuana a …show more content…

?Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day? (?Marijuana?). The affects of smoking marijuana are much severe than smoking cigarettes.

Marijuana can also hurt a person?s immune system. People who smoke marijuana are more susceptible to getting sick because their bodies are not as healthy. A person?s body is not fully capable of fighting off viruses, bacteria, fungi and protazoa (Fact Sheet). One of the main chemicals in marijuana is THC, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is what damages the white blood cells in a person?s body (Marijuana). ?Marijuana use suppresses the production of white blood cells (the cells that fight infection and disease)? (What to Teach Kids 4).

One more affect of smoking marijuana that many people do not know about is its affect on a person?s hormones. In males, constant marijuana smoking can cause a lowered testosterone level and an increased estrogen level. It can also lead to a lower sperm count (Cannabinoids). In females, it can cause a higher testosterone level and a higher risk of infertility. Smoking marijuana is extremely dangerous for women who are pregnant; they are at a higher risk of having a miscarriage (Straight Facts).

Some people believe that marijuana should be made a legal substance. Some say that the

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