
The London Blitz Essay

Good Essays

In September of 1940 through May of 1941 there was a strategic bombing attack

that was lead by the Germans targeted towards London and other cities located in

England, this was known as The Blitz. The Germans aimed the bombs mostly at

populated cities, dock yards, and factories.

The bombing on London began on September 7, 1940 and lasted for 57

consecutive nights. During these nights of bombing people took shelter in warehouse

basements, and in underground subway stations with no privacy and poor sanitation


British radar, detected the huge formation, the Observer Corps started to count the

mass of German bombers in the sky, then came a warning call, …show more content…

The bombing actually brought the English people


“Between five and six o'clock on the evening of Saturday 7th September, some
320 German bombers supported by over 600 fighters flew up the Thames and
proceeded to bomb Woolwich Arsenal, Beckton gas Works, a large number of
docks, West Ham Power Station, and then the city, Westminster and Kensington.
They succeeded in causing a serious fire situation in the docks. An area about 1½
square miles between North Woolwich Road and the Thames was almost
destroyed, and the population of Silvertown was surrounded by fire and had to be
evacuated by water. At 8.10pm some 250 bombers resumed the attack which was
maintained until 4.30 on Sunday morning. They caused 9 conflagrations, 59 large
fires, and nearly 1,000 lesser fires. Three main line railway termini were put out
of action, and 430 persons killed and some 1,600 seriously injured. After the fire
brigades had spent all day in an effort to deprive the enemy of illumination, some
200 bombers returned in the evening (Sunday 8th) to carry on the assault. During

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